Parish Ministries


Pastoral Council

This committee is composed of elected members and staff personnel, serving as a coordinating, monitoring, and visioning body for parish activities, ministries and direction. They are the voice of the parish.

The foundation for a parish pastoral council comes from the Second Vatican Council in the Apostolate of the Laity and Christus Dominus , The Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops. "The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to assist the pastor in developing and deepening the parish faith community in order to fulfill the mission of Jesus. As a consultative body, the council proposes a vision and direction for parish life." (Parish Pastoral Council Handbook, 1994, 2.2) Four words describe the focus of the Council - Word (the good news of Jesus), Worship,


Fr. Walter Nolte, President/Pastor

Fr. Bill Cremers, Associate Pastor

Jeremy Murman, Chair

Stephanie Webb, Vice Chair

Dr. Tim Davis, Chaplain

Other Members:

Dr. Tim Davis

Dr. Larry Kisby

Jeremy Bridges

Jackie Roumph

Tad Dinkins

Todd Tomasen

Nichole Owsley

Monica Sanchez

Alex Reyes

Joe Vampola

Brian Doernemann

Kristi Sendgraff

Liturgical Ministries

If you would like to serve our parish through the Celebration of The Mass, here are the opportunities available.

*Contact the parish office unless otherwise noted (402-721-6611 or

Liturgy Committee - A planning, formation, and advisory group for parish liturgical celebrations.

Lectors - Proclaimers of the Word of God and the Scripture passages at Masses. Archdiocesan orientation and mandation, as well as parish training and updating required. 

EMHCs - Serve as sharers of the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass. Archdiocesan orienttion and mandation, as well as parish training and updating required. EMCH's also have options of taking Eucharist to hospital, nursing homes, and to homebound. 

Adult Funeral Servers - Assist in funeral liturgies. A special opportunity for retired persons. Contact: David Heywood 402-620-4039

Music Ministry (see Music Ministry under "Serve")

Opportunities related to weekend liturgies:

  • Mass Coordinator - Gives help in preparing for Masses by setting out vessels and equipment needed, etc. Needed on Saturday from 4:30-6:30 pm and on Sundays from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm.
  • Greeters - Welcome and respond to needs of people as they gather for weekend liturgies. Open to individuals and families. 
  • Ushers - Help in providing hospitality and a welcoming atmosphere; greet and seat people; gather people's monetary gifts at collection and for monthly extra collection for maintenance needs; making sure the worship area is back in order after Mass.
  • Mass Servers - Training and assigning begins in the fourth grade through the school years for both girls and boys, having received first confession and Holy Communion. The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy (hymns, responses, etc.), by looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.
  • Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer(when used), assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary. Altar servers are on duty from the time they enter the sanctuary at the start of Mass until they finish cleanup after the end of Mass.
  • Music Ministry - If you would like to be part of one of our music ministries, please get in touch with Mary Beth Hilbers at
    Cantors (Vocalists)
    New Voice Contemporary Choir
    New Life Funeral Choir - Contact Colette Robinson 402-721-2397
    Children's Choir
    Handbell Choir - Contact Shirley Kreikemeier 402-727-4892
    Hispanic Choir - Contact Paul Shavlik 402-727-6585

Liturgical Environment Needs:

  • Artists - Help create designs, logos, artwork as needed.
  • Handy Persons - Hang banners, build platforms, repair furnishings.
  • Sewers - Help design, sew, and maintain vestments, banners, altar coverings and linens.
  • Floral - Design, order, maintain flowers and plants in the worship space.
  • Church Decorating - Help to create appropriate environment for liturgical seasons, major celebrations in the parish.
  • Gardening/Landscaping (see below)

Moms of St. Pats - Grow in your faith and find support from other moms for this season of life. Meets two Thursdays a month at 6:30 pm in Mary's Room.
Contact: Bethany 303-250-8397 or

Outdoor Environment Committee

Please consider joining our Parish Outdoor Environment Team! We take care of the islands at church and sometimes do other landscaping around the parish. Your involvement could include:

  1. Adopting a church island and caring for it as your own
  2. Helping on Monday nights at church from 5:30 to 6:30 when you are free (many of us meet on that night and work on the church landscaping)
  3. Adding your name to our Flocknote team so that you can be notified to assist with our “bigger” projects like adding mulch or fall/spring cleanup.
  4. Let us know if you have a specific interest in:
  5. Helping with mowing
  6. Helping with edging
  7. Helping with tree trimming.

You can contact the parish office, John Konecky(402-720-6170) or go to your Flocknote account and join the “Outdoor Environment Committee” (direct link here).

Codicil Club & Planned Giving *Info here

Parish Committees

Financial Committees - *Contact Stacie Roberts at the parish office (402)721-6611 x205

Endowment Committees - Two committees, one for St. Patrick Parish and one for Bergan Schools. 

Planned Giving Committee - Members give guidance and support to the Development Office and Pastor in areas related to planned giving for future growth and vitality of the parish and schools. 

Hospitality Committee - Interested in helping to create a culture of hospitality at St. Pat's? Get involved with our hospitality group! We are in the process of looking at where we can improve in this area and injecting hospitality in every area of our parish. Some specific projects will aim to get current and prospective members connected within the parish, welcome new members and help them to find ways to belong, and to make sure that everyone knows they are loved at our Church. For more information, contact Crystal Sixta at (402)721-6611 x207. 

Physical Environment Committee
 - Serve to create a beautiful and liturgically appropriate environment throughout our Sanctuary and other parish rooms. Contact Kathy Wiesen (402) 719-8125.

Social Concerns Committee - Promotes moving our faith into action by increasing awareness and participation of our Parish Family in selected issues of social concern in our parish, community and world. We sponsor such projects as the holdiay food drive, Lenten Giving Tree, support the St. Vincent de Paul fund and work with local agencies to assist the poor. Contact Mary Narans for more information at (402) 719-5720. 

St. Pat's Women - Responsible for funeral dinners, parish bazaar, Care Corps meals, Bingo, Interfaith Activities. Purpose is to foster unity among the women of the parish, foster faith and spiritual growth, and serve the parish through its activities and support. Contact Lynette Sellon (402) 720-0474.

Seven Sisters Apostolate
 - Women of the parish are invited to participate in this ministry to help our priests through the power of prayer. Each member commits to an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament (ideally) on a specific day (the time is up to you). The goal is to have someone praying for each priest every day of the week. If you would like to help through this ministry, please contact Jeanne Boesch (402) 720-3278.

Parish/Diocesan Organizations

Catholic Daughters - Local chapter of an International Organizaiton of Catholic Women who promote oneness and charity among Catholic women as they live and support love of God, Church and community. Contact Cheryl Lucht (402) 740-1186.

Knights of Columbus - National fraternal and insurance organization committed to the works of the Church. Local chapter is engaged in spiritual, social, fundraising, youth activities for the benefit of members, parish and Church. Contact Anthony Tvrdy (402) 727-1671. (Go here for Knights of Columbus member info.)

St. Pat's Pro-Life Ministry (SPPL) - Formed to bring increased awareness, education and involvement within St. Patrick Church and within our local area. Also works in cooperation with Fremont Area Right to Life. Contact Crystal Sixta (402) 525-4615.

Permanent Diaconate - Four year training program for service in parish and archiocesan ministries. Contact the pastor at (402)721-6611. 

Volunteer/Outreach Opportunities

Use your skills to be the hands and feet of The Lord in our parish and community through one of these volunteer opportunities, and watch Flocknote, Facebook and the bulletin for other ways to serve.

Baptism Class Instructors (English & Spanish) - Help prepare parents and Godparents for the beautiful sacrament of Baptism as a Baptism class instructor! Single or married volunteers lead class attendees through a video presentation and discussion. Training is available as well as the opportunity to lead the class with another volunteer. English classes are held the 2nd Saturday of each month 8:45-10:30 am, and Spanish classes are the last Saturday from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. You choose how often you want to teach! If interested in English classes, call Kate Casale at the parish office (402-721-6611 x209), and for Spanish classes call Krystal at the office (x202).

Bereavement Ministry - Provides follow-up support for family members of a parishioner who has died. Contact Deacon Joe Uhlik if interested: 402-719-0365. 

  • Red Bird Ministries - Grief ministry for parents, friends or family who have lost a child at any stage, by any means. Contact Kristan Vrba if interested: 952-237-7895.
  • Divorce Care - A 13 week video seminar and support group for people experiencing divorce and separation. Seminar sessions include "Facing My Anger", "Facing My Loneliness", "Depression", "New Relationships", "Kid Care", and "Forgiveness." Contact the Family Life Office, (402)551-9003.

H.O.M.E. - Scrip is again available for purchase at church but we need volunteers to help sell it! Helping is easy...just let us know what weekend Mass you typically attend, and we can get you on the schedule to help sell about 15 mins before and 15 mins after that Mass! Please call the parish office to get connected with the H.O.M.E. volunteer coordinator. (402) 721-6611.

Summer Lunch Program                         
Please contact Kate Casale at parish office.

Ministry to Sick & Homebound
 - Trained Eucharistic Ministers assist in the ministry of bringing Communion and a compassionate presence to the sick in the hospital and nursing facilities and homebound of the parish. Volunteers also assist residents to and from the nursing home Masses and Communion services. Masses are held at various nursing facilities and assisted living centers on a rotating basis. Communion services or EMHC visits are scheduled weekly unless Mass is held that week. Training to become a Eucharistic Minister is offered by the Archdiocese in the fall. Contact Susie May (402) 720-1138.

Meals on Wheels - Coordinates volunteers for delivery of meals to homebound persons. Call (402) 721-8262 for more info.

Comida y Comunidad - Our parish is reaching out to the Regency Mobile Community with meals. It is a joyful and delicious time to unite with fellow parishioners and follow Christ's call to serve our neighbors. You can assist Friday evening with meal prep or Saturday during the day serving meals. We also welcome donations of food, supplies or support. Watch the website, Flocknote and the bulletin for specific dates and sign-up links.

Blanca Peralta at or Fr. Bill Cremers at for more information.

Parish Festival - Watch the bulletin, social media and Flocknote for announcements on volunteer needs with our annual Parish Festival, now held in August! 

RCIA Sponsors - Catholics who are confirmed and over 18 years old who would like to share in this spiritual journey – we need you! Many sponsors have been surprised at what they learned about their faith. Qualifications are not determined by your head knowledge but rather your willingness of heart! If interested in becoming a sponsor, contact Kate Casale.

Youth Faith Formation - Love to work with children or have a gift for teaching? Our youth faith formation program can always use teachers as well as “Prayer Pals” who volunteer to listen to youth say their prayers a couple of times each month. For more information or to sign up to help, contact Lori Kisby at the parish office (402) 721-6611.

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