
Welcome Adorer!

We are so excited to see what blessings will come from your Holy Hour at St. Patrick Church and are so thankful that you are spending an hour with Jesus! We hope that this will be a handy reference, whether you've never spent time in Adoration before or you are a pro. (You can also get a printed brochure near the adoration chapel or at the parish office to keep in your Bible, devotionals, journal, etc.) Most of all, don't sweat it. The main goal is quiet time to receive Our Lord, so with that said, you don't have to really know or do anything. Let go and let God! If you receive special graces from your time in Adoration, we'd love to hear about it! Other adoration resources are available for you on the table near the chapel entrance.

Adoration Schedule Changes During Lent

Ash Wednesday, March 5th - We will have adoration all day, but it will not be exposed until after the 6:30 am Mass, so around 7:15 am. That evening, the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed early due to the 7:00 pm Mass (probably around 6:45 pm).

Lent Mission, March 10, 11, 12 - Due to the Lenten Mission at St. Pats the evenings of March 10-12, the Blessed Sacrament will be reposed at 5:00 pm. The Lent Mission starts at 6:00 pm with praise and worship, and 6:30 pm the talks begin. We want to make sure everyone has time to grab supper and attend the Mission. 

*Holy Week/Easter schedule will be coming soon!


In Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.


Increased Mass attendance

Return of fallen away Catholics


Increase in vocations

Spiritual level of parishioners raised

Greater community spirit centered on Jesus

Exposition occurs Monday through Thursday 7a-7p, and Sundays 1 p-7p
*Friday adoration cancelled until further notice

Need a sub for your Holy Hour?

  1. Go to
  2. Select "find a sub"
  3. Enter password: subpass

Going to Adoration

  • Chapel doors are open from 7am – 7pm daily.
  • If your scheduled hour is before or after these times, please get a key fob from the parish office to use to enter through the chapel doors. There is a $10 deposit for a fob.
  • Whenever you come in to the Chapel to be with Jesus for “your hour”, PLEASE sign in using the tablet on the wall by the Chapel doors. This helps us track if people are present during their hour and helps us ensure that we do not need to suspend Adoration and the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Substitutes should also sign in.
  • To sign in, choose the language you want to use, select “Adorer Sign In”, and follow the prompts.

Getting a Sub/Inclement Weather

  • If you are sick or unable to attend your hour, contact someone from the sub list, a friend, or relative to take your place. If the need for a sub is not immediate, use Adoration Pro to request a substitute.
  • You can request a sub at Click on “find a sub” and enter password "subpass". You will receive an email notifying you if someone has agreed to your request for a sub.
  • Weather cancellations will be announced via Flocknote and social media.

If no one shows up when your hour is done:

  • Please do not leave Jesus alone.
  • Contact the daily Adoration Captain below:
  • Sunday Maria Vrana 402-317-9036
  • Monday Paul Shavlik 402-210-7476
  • Tuesday Mary Porter 402-720-1351
  • Wednesday Mary Porter 402-720-1351
  • Thursday Jeanne Boesch 402-720-3278
  • Friday Paul Shavlik 402-210-7476

Adoration Etiquette

  • Arrive a little before your scheduled time and be sure to sign into the tablet by the chapel doors. Get to know your fellow adorers that will be sharing your hour each week.
  • Prior to sitting down, genuflect if able, or bow slightly in respect and recognition of the Lord's presence.
  • Make sure to stay for your entire hour.
  • Maintain silence. This is a prayerful time, face to face with Jesus, and having your heart and mind open to what Jesus is telling you. Please avoid anything with noise that will interfere with your or others' time of silence. Please also place cell phones on vibrate or silent. If you choose to pray devotional prayers, please pray them in your mind, not out loud in order not to disturb others in the chapel.
  • Never leave the Blessed Sacrament alone. See info inside this brochure for what to do if no one comes to relieve you. (A quick restroom break is understandable & acceptable.)
  • Do not bring snacks or beverages to Adoration. Water is acceptable.
  • Families are welcome. We just ask that children would remain quiet and seated so as not to disturb prayer time for other adorers. If you are concerned about your littles, maybe seek out a time that your family can have all to yourself.
  • If your hour is during Mass, please understand that these are two separate liturgies. You cannot leave Adoration to get Communion so as to count that as your weekend obligation, and again, we should never leave Jesus unattended.

Adoration Prayer

Dear Jesus, You have made Yourself present in the Blessed Sacrament because You thirst for me. O dear Lord, I also thirst for You.I want to be one with You. I bow down before You with faith, hope, and love, from the depths of my heart. I worship You. Amen.

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