We are so excited to see what blessings will come from your Holy Hour at St. Patrick Church and are so thankful that you are spending an hour with Jesus! We hope that this will be a handy reference, whether you've never spent time in Adoration before or you are a pro. (You can also get a printed brochure near the adoration chapel or at the parish office to keep in your Bible, devotionals, journal, etc.) Most of all, don't sweat it. The main goal is quiet time to receive Our Lord, so with that said, you don't have to really know or do anything. Let go and let God! If you receive special graces from your time in Adoration, we'd love to hear about it! Other adoration resources are available for you on the table near the chapel entrance.
When Bergan and Fremont schools are closed due to inclement weather...
In Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Increased Mass attendance
Return of fallen away Catholics
Increase in vocations
Spiritual level of parishioners raised
Greater community spirit centered on Jesus
Exposition occurs Monday through Thursday 7a-7p, and Sundays 1 p-7p
*Friday adoration cancelled until further notice
Dear Jesus, You have made Yourself present in the Blessed Sacrament because You thirst for me. O dear Lord, I also thirst for You.I want to be one with You. I bow down before You with faith, hope, and love, from the depths of my heart. I worship You. Amen.