Flocknote Submission

Have something to share on FlockNote?

You can do that here! Flocknote is a church communication platform we use for email and text messages to our parish, especially the St. Pats Weekly, a weekly newsletter that goes out every Friday around lunchtime. Some items are more suited to the bulletin, website, or Facebook page. The Director of Communications will make that determination and communicate your information accordingly.

Questions? Call or email Crystal at the parish office: 402-721-6611 x207 or csixta@stpatsfremont.org

Be sure to read the Flocknote parameters & guidelines below before submitting your request. Thank you!

Flocknote Submissions

Below are our Parish Flocknote Communications Standards. Please use these as a guide for your submissions so we can process your request as soon as possible. 

We know not everything fits perfectly in these standards. We can be flexible on some things, especially with enough notice, but please understand that these guidelines are to ensure the continued high readership rate of our Flocknote communication. This is meant to be a quick communication of key action items for events and other things taking place in our parish. The success of Flocknote is due to its brief content, easy-to-find key information, and attractive graphics. 

  • Please process info requests 1-2 weeks prior to desired share date, and no later than Tuesday of the week it will be published. This is necessary to allow time for graphic creation and translation into Spanish. 
  • All posts are made in Spanish and English. (We handle translation.) If there are attachments these need to be in Spanish as well.
  • Posts are 150 words or less. (Less is always better, we strive to keep most to 120 words or less.) If you have a lot of important information to share, we just ask for a small paragraph written, then we either include a link to more detailed information elsewhere or include a PDF attachment.
  • Posts must be actionable in terms of growing in stewardship, community, or faith for the parish at large, not necessarily a place to communicate announcements that might otherwise be better suited for the bulletin, Facebook page or website. The communication team reserves the right to determine where your communication fits best. 
  • Communication for specific groups should be done within a Flocknote group for that ministry. We are happy to help your organization get set up with a Flocknote group of your own! (Ex Bible studies, ministry groups, parish organizations, etc.)
  • Weekly Flocknote emails will contain a MAX of 5 items. Occasionally we will include a note (without graphic) at the bottom for timely things like Mass changes, etc., but to make Flocknote easily readable (and again, short) on both a computer and someone’s mobile device, we want to stay within this parameter.
  • Posts are shared in a warm conversational style. (We can take the info you send us and reword it to fit this style.)
  • Graphics should be very minimal and a branded design. Details beyond date/time are best left for the paragraph below the image.
  • Graphics should be in a horizontal landscape format of 1200x600 or 6 x3.5. (We are happy to make graphics, and this is ideal to also be able to share on social media, but just ask that you please allow ample lead time for that.)
  • If you also want your event shared on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), be sure to mention that as well. If we are creating graphics, we can easily resize for these communications. If you are sending your own graphic, we will also need a square version (approx 1000x1000 px) for social media. 
  • To prevent Flocknote from becoming “stale”, we strive to not repeat the same content consecutive weeks. 

Thank you!

Crystal Sixta

 402-721-6611 x207

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