St. Patrick Catholic Church

St. Patrick Catholic Church

Church Address

 3400 East 16th Street (directions below)

Fremont, NE 68025


422 East 4th Street

Fremont, NE 68025

Office Phone


Fax: 402-727-8167

General email

*Staff contact info here

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St. Patrick Parish Office

supporting five parishes &
over 2500 households

Our parish office is located between the old St. Patrick Church and Bergan Early Childhood Education Center at 422 E. 4th St. This is also the mailing address for St. Patrick, St. Lawrence, and St. Rose churches. Our office supports St. Charles Borromeo and St. Leo parishes which are part of our Parish Group. They currently have their own business office (811 Locust St. North Bend, 68649, 402-652-8484).

You can find direct contact numbers and email for our staff using the button to the left or by going to the About Us menu in the navigation bar.


422 e 4th st*
fremont, ne 68025

*This is the mailing address for St. Patrick, St. Lawrence & St. Rose churches.

402-721-6611 (phone)
402-727-8167 (fax)


Mon-thurs 9-4
fri 9-12
*Staff mtg 9-10 am
2nd & 4th wednesdays

Directions to St. Patrick's Church & Archbishop Bergan Preschool & Elementary Building:

From the North off 23rd St. (US 30 Business Route) turn south on Diers Parkway (slightly southeast of Wal-Mart at the corner where Applebee's is located).

From Omaha come north on US Highway 275, then left (west) on Military Ave. Take the first right (north) at Johnson Rd. Continue to the traffic circle.

From Lincoln come north on US Highway 77 into Fremont and turn right (east) on 16th St. and continue to the traffic circle.

From Columbus come into Fremont on US 30 Fremont Bypass. At 23rd St. (US 30 Business Route) turn right (west) back into Fremont. Then turn south on Diers Parkway (slightly southeast of Wal-Mart at the corner where Applebee's is located).

From Arlington / Blair come into Fremont on 23rd St. (US 30 Business Route) then turn south on Diers Parkway (slightly southeast of Wal-Mart at the corner where Applebee's is located).

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