While the parish office does not have a formal "prayer chain", we do offer various ways to have your prayer intentions lifted to God by prayer warriors! Check out all of the options below!
Include your name or the name of someone on your heart for prayer in the parish bulletin and a list that is posted in the St. Joseph Chapel weekly at St. Pats. Name only is included, and you can just have first name if you prefer. Contact the parish office at 402-721-6611. The name will remain for approximately one month. If you want it to remain on the list, please be sure to call each month to ask that it stay on.
The Catholic Daughters pray for whoever is on the bulletin list, but also accept other prayer intentions as well. To be included in their prayer list, please contact Virginia Pullen at 402-721-4307.
Our parish has trained prayer ministers who pray over others at parish healing events and occasionally after weekend Masses. Members of the team are also available to pray with you Monday-Thursday noon-1pm in the parish office. Just pop in during that time for private prayer in the chapel with one or two prayer team members.
(Option for anonymous or no class selection...see video walkthrough below for details)
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