H.O.M.E. (Help Our Mission Excel)

Join us in raising money for St. Patrick Parish and Bergan School by simply using gift cards where you already shop (or eat) every day! It's easy, rewarding and gives families an opportunity to earn money toward student tuition and for the parish at the same time.

It's giveaway time again!!! We are so THANKFUL for all of your support for the H.O.M.E. (Help Our Mission Excel) program, that we are giving away one $100 HyVee gift card to use just in time for your Thanksgiving meal!

How to win:

🦃 Earn one drawing entry for every $100 gift card purchases you make through H.O.M.E./RaiseRight.

🦃 Purchase gift cards for groceries, gas, or get ahead on Christmas gift shopping to get those entries!

🦃 You can purchase gift cards at the parish office during the week or at weekend Masses in the welcome center, as well as online at RaiseRight.com or the Raise Right app.

🦃 If you purchase on the app or RaiseRight.com, just send us a screenshot of your order to csixta@stpatsfremont.org so we can enter you in the drawing!

Entries will be accepted starting today up until Sunday, November 24th and the drawing will be done Monday, November 25th!

Help Our Mission Excel (H.O.M.E.)

We refer to our RaiseRight fundraising program (formerly known as Scrip) as "H.O.M.E.," which stands for Help Our Mission Excel. The beauty of this fundraiser is that you can support our parish and school without extra cost to you! Just use the gift cards for things you normally buy: Groceries, eating out, gas, clothing, movie passes, etc. You purchase the gift cards from the H.O.M.E. program and the parish and school get a rebate! You can choose where your rebate goes, either church or school operating expenses. Bergan families can even apply 50 of the rebate to their tuition account! Every little bit adds up!

How do I purchase gift cards?

Physical cards
Physical gift cards can be purchased through our H.O.M.E. fundraiser at the church welcome center before and after weekend Masses (except holidays) or at the parish office. *Check out the in-office order form to see what we typically carry locally by clicking on the "Order Form" button below.

Online purchases
Order gift cards online to pick up at the office, or purchase e-cards at RaiseRight.com.

Through the app
Access e-cards when you're at the store, or easily order gift cards for pick-up at the parish office through the Raise Right app!

Keep scrolling for more details & how-to videos!
Order Form
Steps for purchasing online or the app:
  1. Go to RaiseRight.com OR download the RaiseRight app to your mobile device and select Join a Program.
  2. Enter enrollment code and register: 29L287E8674L
  3. Link your bank account to enroll in online payments and place your first order.

Have a question? Contact our coordinator, Sharon Francis, at (402) 721-6611.

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