Please make sure to have flowers, etc. cleared off of your loved ones' gravesites by April 10th.
Q: What is the size of a plot/grave?
A: An individual gravesite is typically 4'x10'
Q: How many interments are allowed in one grave?
A: Two interments are allowed in one grave if one is a cremation.
Q: Is there a deed?
A: There is no land transfer, so there is not a deed. You get a certificate for "Right of Burial".
Q: Are there requirements/regulations for cremation urns?
A: If an urn is made from a fragile material (glass, ceramic, etc.), they need to be in a vault sturdy enough to withstand dis-interment.
Q: How large can headstones be?
A: For a single 4' grave, the headstone can be 3'6" wide.
Q: Can there be more than one marker on a grave?
A: There can only be one upright marker per grave. A second marker is allowed, but it must be flush and understood that turf equipment will drive over it.
Q: What are my options if I possess un-needed gravesites?
A: The cemetery will always buy sites back for what was paid for them, or you may give them to a family member.
*See normal Sunday Mass times under
Worship & Sacraments in the navigation menu.
St. Patrick 7:00 pm
St. Lawrence 12 pm
St. Patrick 12 pm
St. Leo 3 pm
St. Charles 6 pm
St. Patrick 7 pm
St. Patrick 8:00 pm
St. Leo 8:00 am
St. Charles 8:30 am
St. Patrick 10:00 am
St. Lawrence 10:15 am
St Patrick 12 pm (Spanish)
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