Join us for this time of prayer, teaching, music, and community as we discover how God wants to heal us. Understand the wounds that lead to our sin and brokenness, discover the power of forgiveness and the sacraments, and live even more in freedom and wholeness!
Guest Speakers: Steven Samol & his wife, Saylí Peréz Cabrera
April 4-6, 2025
7:30-10 pm Friday (church) & Saturday (auditorium)
9-4 Sunday (auditorium)
St. Patrick Church & Auditorium
Church: 3400 E. 16th St., Fremont
Auditorium: 435 N. Union St., Fremont
Registration for the first eighty people includes a free booklet! Registration includes lunch on Sunday. Sunday Mass will be at noon at St. Patrick, and the Sunday afternoon session will be at the church.
More info to come soon!
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