Events & Announcements

Equipping the Saints


Get more details about this Spanish event (English translation will be available!) on our conferences page!

Event Details

RCIA Registration Open

classes begin September 8th

If you are 19 or older and want to explore the teachings of the Catholic faith or are interested in joining the Church, we invite you to come to RCIA this fall! Registration is open! Contact Kate Casale at or 402-721-6611.

More about RCIA

Pro-Life Meeting

Monday, september 9th at 5:30 pm in Mary's rm.

Join St. Pats Pro-Life Ministry on Monday, August 26th at 5:30 pm for their fall kick-off meeting. SPPL can use all sorts of help as they work to create a positive, loving place to educate about the sanctity of life, the beliefs of our faith, and that there is healing and hope for those who have already had an abortion. Don't feel that attending means you are committed to do it all. "Many hands make light work." Please come and see what areas you are available for and most passionate about helping with. They will meet in Mary's Room and sloppy joes will be provided! Bring your own drink.

Anti-Mary Exposed

book study begins sept. 10

Learn the connection to our Lady of Fatima warnings as well as how media, politics, fashion and universities have led the way to create women in an image unlike our Blessed Mother Mary. Ladies join us as we explore on our authentic, feminine identity!   

More details

Morning & evening sessions available.

She Shall Be Called Woman

9 Week Series at St. Charles Borromeo in North Bend
Thursdays starting September 12th, 6:30 - 8 pm
*please note start date change

She Shall Be Called Woman is a transformative journey designed to meet the deepest longings of the feminine heart. This program is a sanctuary for women seeking to be truly seen, known, and loved, as they grow in their relationship with the Lord. Through vibrant conversations, authentic speakers, and enriching prayer experiences, you will be equipped with the tools to embark on a profound spiritual journey. Join us for food, fellowship, and faith with our parish family at St. Charles Borromeo. All women are welcome! Learn more at If interested in being part of the team or attending, contact Lisa Sullivan at 402-314-1711.

Faith Formation

Begins September 11th!

Catechetical instruction designed to bring youth into the fullness of the Catholic faith. Classes meet Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm at Bergan Elementary, except for confirmation class which meets in Delaney Hall at the church.

Registration is open! Get all the details and registration form by clicking on the buttons below!

Questions? Contact Lori Kisby at 402-721-6611 x208 or

More Info & Registration

Altar Server Training

Sept. 12, Sept. 14, Oct. 5 or Oct. 10

RSVP to the church office is required (402-721-6611) 

Servers usually start as 4th graders, but younger children are accepted if parents feel they are ready.

New servers need to attend only 1 of the times listed below. Current servers are welcome to attend also.

Register here

Safe Environment Training

september 21 9:00 am or october 12 9:00 am

Delaney Hall

Register here

Food Pantry Needs

Our food pantry is in need of peanut butter, canned fruit and canned meat. Please consider supporting the food pantry and the community we serve by dropping off your donation in the food bins located in the Narthex and near the Chapel or at the parish office. Thank you for supporting St. Patrick’s food pantry!!


1st Friday of each month 7:30 pm

Be encouraged by God's word, Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist, and Experience healing at Oasis the first Friday of every month at 7:30 pm!

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