Events & Announcements

Lenten Mission

god's healing love with fr. greg bramlage

Learn about God's mercy, power of prayer, and miraculous healings with Fr. Greg Bramlage from Missionaries of the New Evangelization. Discover forgiveness, repentance, and hopeful faith for amazing recoveries and a deeper relationship with Jesus and God.

March 10, 11 & 12: 6 PM Praise & Worship; 6:30 PM Mission starts

St. Patrick Church, 3400 E. 16th St., Fremont NE

The mission will not be live-streamed or recorded. Please plan to attend in person.

Lent Fish Fry

Fridays during lent except good friday
5:30-7:30 at St. Patrick Auditorium

Meal includes: Fried pollock, shrimp, or cheese pizza, coleslaw, cornbread, baked beans

Cost: $13.00/meal ($8 for kids under 12)

Cheese pizza: $2/slice

Blues & BBQ

sunday, march 2 for bergan music dept.

Sunday, March 2nd at St. Patrick Auditorium, featuring the MS/HS Band & Choir. BBQ meal 4:30-6:00 and show at 6:00 pm.

$15 Adult meal + show

$10 Student meal _ show

$10 meal to go

Rock the Block
saturday, march 15th 7:30-10 pm
st. patrick auditorium

Enjoy music through the generations by the Nebraska All-Star Rock 'n Roll Band! In addition to music and dancing, there will be a raffle, food truck available, and drinks from the Bergan Booster Club! Rock the Block will be Saturday, March 15th from 7:30-10 at the St. Patrick Auditorium. Tickets are on sale for $20 in advance, or $25 at the door! Get them at the parish office or online using the button below!

RTB tickets here

St. Lawrence Annual Steak Dinner

Sunday, March 16 *fremont delivery available

Support our sister parish in Scribner, St. Lawrence, at their Annual Chicken Fried Steak Dinner! You can eat in Scribner with the community, or pre-order to have it delivered to St. Pats after the 10:00 am Mass. Meals are $14 and include homemade chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, green beans, dinner roll and dessert. Eat at Scribner from 11 am-1 pm at Mohr Auditorium (reduced prices for children if you eat there).

Order for delivery to St. Pats here

Sanando a Los Santos

healing the saints conference april 4-6

All are invited for this Spanish conference (English translation available), Healing the Saints! Get all the details and registration info here:

Healing the Saints Details

Come and See

High school retreat

Our 2nd Annual “Come and See Retreat” at Camp Calvin Crest will feature times for prayer, talks about growing in faith and freedom, small group times, awesome games and outdoor activities, campfires, music, and many surprises along the way!

Click on the button below for more details and the registration form. Registration is due April 1st!

Registration & Details


1st Friday of each month 7:30 pm in church

Be encouraged by God's word, Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist, and Experience healing at Oasis the first Friday of every month at 7:30 pm!

Prayer Breakfasts

3rd saturdays 8:30-10 am (*see schedule)

Enjoy a light breakfast and hear from people in our community as they share “A Disciple’s Journey”: Stories of their encounter with Jesus, transformation & response! You will build relationships with your table group that we hope will continue outside of the prayer breakfasts. 30m breakfast | 30m presentation | 30m discussion

Men's Breakfasts 
March 15, 2025 - Deacon Otto Pribnow

Women's Breakfasts
April 19, 2025 - Erin Keller
Family Breakfast
June 14, 2025 - various family testimonies

Pancake Breakfast

last sunday of each month (sept-may) 7:30-11:30

Follow your nose to Delaney Hall the last Sunday of each month for Pancake Breakfast Day! For a free-will offering, you can enjoy pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee, juice & water. Take a moment to pause in the company of your family and fellow parishioners while supporting the Knights of Columbus and all they do for our church and community!

Salt & Light

thursdays at 6:30 pm

This year we're going to have a different topic each week for several consecutive months. If you miss one, it won't impact your learning at the next, so come when you can or as the topic speaks to you. As before, the series will run on Thursdays starting in January from 6:30-8:00 pm in Delaney Hall. Check out the full schedule with topics & speakers using the button below.

Full Schedule

Safe Environment Training

Three opportunities to receive Safe Enviroment Training right here at St. Pats!

Sat., Feb. 8th 9:00 am *Spanish
Tues., Feb. 18th 6:30 pm **CANCELLED due to weather**
Sat. March 22nd 9:00 am

Register at

Questions? Contact Lori Kisby at 402-721-6611 x208 or email her at

Food Pantry Needs

Our food pantry is in need of Pasta sauce and pasta in a can. Please consider supporting the food pantry and the community we serve by dropping off your donation in the food bins located in the Narthex and near the Chapel or at the parish office. Thank you for supporting St. Patrick’s food pantry!!

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