Grief Ministry

Walking Beside You in Grief

St. Patrick formed the Grief Ministry group to build on things we were already doing as a parish for members who had lost someone. We are excited for all of the great ideas and plans, and especially the volunteers who have come forward to help us support our parish family in their greatest time of need.

If you would like to be involved in Grief Ministry, or if you have suggestions for how we can help you and others through a grief journey, please contact Deacon Joe Uhlik at 402-719-0365.

Email Deacon Joe

What we've been doing...

  • Falling orange leaves from the Tree of Life to represent deceased parishioners (display case by Mary’s Room)
  • Memory wall with wooden crosses of those who have passed away from our parish. After display for one year, the family will receive their respective cross at the All Souls Day Memorial Mass reception.
  • All Souls Day Memorial Mass: Names read and reception offered after Mass for families who lost a loved one since the prior All Souls Day.
  • All Souls Day slideshow with photos of deceased parishioners shown at church the weekend before All Souls.
  • Seven-day candle lit by the chapel for deceased members of the parish, labeled with their name.
  • Funeral arrangements of parishioners displayed in kiosk by the chapel.
  • Sympathy cards from the parish, reaching out one month, six months, and a year after death.
  • “Prayer companions” to correspond with families of deceased members for one year. Cards and other materials supplied.
  • Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery. Names read of all those who have died in the past year.
  • Funeral Mass/service volunteers: Adult male servers, funeral choir & organist, and St. Pat’s women plan, prepare and serve the funeral luncheon.
  • “Care Notes” available in the display case by the chapel and in the Narthex, dealing with how to grieve for a loved one and how to take care of yourself.

Grief Resources

St. Patrick Bereavement Ministry - Provides follow-up support for family members of a parishioner who has died. Contact Deacon Joe Uhlik if interested: 402-719-0365.

Fremont Alzheimer's Support Group meets 6:30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at Keene Memorial Library, 1030 N. Broad St., Fremont. Contact Sadie Hinkel at with questions.

Shalimar Gardens Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group meets 5:30-6:30 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 749 29th St, Shalimar Gardens, Fremont, in the community room. Call Riley Faulkner at 402-281-0320 to learn more.

Red Bird Ministries - Grief ministry for parents, friends or family who have lost a child at any stage, by any means. Contact Kristan Vrba if interested: 952-237-7895.

Divorce Care - A 13 week video seminar and support group for people experiencing divorce and separation. Seminar sessions include "Facing My Anger", "Facing My Loneliness", "Depression", "New Relationships", "Kid Care", and "Forgiveness." Contact the Family Life Office, (402)551-9003.

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