Need to know how to stay
This is the spot to get hooked up to all the happenings and announcements at church!
Bulletin - If you missed grabbing a bulletin at mass or lost it, no worries! You can find it on the website (Home page, scroll down to green buttons and find "Bulletins" or by clicking the button here on the left. The bulletin includes our upcoming week's calendar, mass times, articles to help you grow in faith and keep up with current happenings within our church and school, and more.
Flocknote - Get up to date information on ways to grow in Faith, Stewardship and Community at St. Pat's with this brief weekly email or text (your choice of one or both) . This is also a means with which we communicate parish activity cancellations/closings due to weather, etc.
YouTube - Watch Mass via Live Stream and check out our other videos on our YouTube channel!
Information Kiosks - You'll find information kiosks (tv's) around the church and at the parish office that will give you Mass and confession times, a calendar of events happening at church, and slides of some of our most important happenings for the current week!
Mailings - Don't forget to register as a parish member so that you don't miss out on any mailings! We send a postcard about once-a-month and occasionally a letter from Fr. Nolte during special liturgical seasons.
WeConnect | By LPi