Did you know you can schedule your Sunday offertory online?
You can schedule monthly recurring donation OR make a one-time gift online. Just click your parish link below to give! When you are on your parish giving page, you can click on "Contributions" (in blue) and a drop-down will appear to give you various options for where your tithe can go.
New parishioners are automatically added to the mailing list for envelopes. please allow 2-3 months to be added to the cycle. not getting them or want to be taken off that list?
Contact Sharon at
One of the challenges we face today is the aging of our buildings and the constant need for maintenance and repair on our church property. To that end, we are establishing a Saint Patrick Annual Appeal [SPAA].
One of the challenges we face today is the aging of our buildings and the constant need for maintenance and repair on our church property. To that end, we are establishing a Saint Patrick Annual Appeal [SPAA].
One of the challenges we face today is the aging of our buildings and the constant need for maintenance and repair on our church property. To that end, we are establishing a Saint Patrick Annual Appeal [SPAA].
*See normal Sunday Mass times under
Worship & Sacraments in the navigation menu.
St. Patrick 7:00 pm
St. Lawrence 12 pm
St. Patrick 12 pm
St. Leo 3 pm
St. Charles 6 pm
St. Patrick 7 pm
St. Patrick 8:00 pm
St. Leo 8:00 am
St. Charles 8:30 am
St. Patrick 10:00 am
St. Lawrence 10:15 am
St Patrick 12 pm (Spanish)
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