We are excited to announce a partnership between St. Patrick parish and Hallow, the #1 prayer app! Through this partnership, we hope to provide you another tool to grow closer to God and the saints, and to enhance your spiritual life.
As a member of St. Patrick Church or our family of parishes, you are able to join the paid version of Hallow for $1 for an entire year! Simply click on the button below, type in "St Patrick Fremont", and select our church from the list. See below for more.
As we have been helping people get signed up for the $1 membership offer, we learned some tips and tricks. If you're having trouble getting the $1 offer, hopefully one of these solutions will work for you. If not, please reach out for help (contact info below).
If you are having issues that are not resolved with one of these tips, please reach out to:
Crystal Sixta at the parish office (402-721-6611 or csixta@stpatsfremont.org) or Hallow support at parishsupport@hallow.app by email
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