Youth Faith Formation

Come and See

High School Retreat

Our 2nd Annual “Come and See Retreat” at Camp Calvin Crest will feature times for prayer, talks about growing in faith and freedom, small group times, awesome games and outdoor activities, campfires, music, and many surprises along the way!

Click on the button below for more details and the registration form. Registration is due April 1st!

Registration & Details

Faith Formation

(runs sept-may)

Catechetical instruction designed to bring youth into the fullness of the Catholic faith. Classes meet Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm at Bergan Elementary, except for confirmation class which meets in Delaney Hall at the church.

Questions? Contact Lori Kisby at 402-721-6611 x208 or

Forming our youth

Faith Formation is for youth 1st Grade through Confirmation.
We meet every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00, September through May at Archbishop Elementary School. 2nd Year Confirmation meets at Delaney Hall at the church. Our goal is to have two to three Catechists in every classroom. The Catechists usually take turns teaching while the others monitor the classroom. 

Currently, we use The Faith and Life series. This series presents Catholic teaching using the time-tested ecclesial methodology and spiral development of catechesis, in a beautiful, student-friendly, comprehensive format. 

During Faith Formation, we also try to teach the youth about service opportunities. One of the ways is through Penny and a Prayer. The money collected goes to help stock the parish food pantry. A couple of other servie opportunities are through “Operation Christmas Child” and other opportunities that arise.

We also want to teach the youth about the importance of their prayer life. To help their prayer lives grow, we celebrate the Prayer Honor Roll. Each year, the youth have prayers that need to be memorized. For example, in 1st Grade, they learn 5 prayers. In 2nd Grade, they keep working on the 5 prayers from 1st Grade and add on 3 more prayers. Each year after 2nd Grade, two more prayers are added on until they have memorized 20 prayers upon Confirmation.

Confirmation instruction begins in 7th Grade and is considered “1st Year Confirmation”. 2nd Year Confirmation is for youth 8th Grade and older. Both levels require the youth to perform service hours as well as other preparation activities, including a retreat and Life in the Spirit Seminars with parents.

Youth Who Attend Bergan

Since youth attend Bergan receive theology instruction during the school day, they are not required to attend Faith Formation classes on Wednesday nights. However, families are MORE than welcome to send their children if they desire.

Faith Formation doesn’t exist without our volunteers as Catechists and volunteers who listen to Prayers for Prayer Honor Roll. Our goal is to have two or more catechists in each classroom. Catechists take turns teaching while the other volunteer helps to monitor the classroom. While teachers are asked to be there every week, Prayer Pals are asked to come at least once a month.  Volunteers who have children in Faith Formation will get the tuition waived. If their child is being confirmed, they will be asked to pay the Confirmation fee only. Each role requires for you to be Safe Environment trained. 

If you would be willing to help with RCIC, Sacraments Classes or Faith Formation Classes, or have any questions, please contact Lori Kisby at or 402-721-6611 ext. 208.

Sacraments Classes

Sacrament classes are for youth 3rd-7th grade who HAVE been baptized but have not received First Reconciliation or First Communion. The youth meet during Faith Formation weekly, September through May and will receive First Reconciliation and First Communion on Easter Vigil. The following year, they will attend Faith Formation classes at their grade level through Confirmation.


Have a child who is of the age of reason (8 years old) or older who has not been baptized? RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is for them! Youth meet weekly during Wednesday night Faith Formation, September through May, and work on preparation to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation at Easter Vigil. Once the youth have received all of their sacraments, we ask that parents continue sending their child to Faith Formation through 8th Grade. This will give the child time to build friendships with Catholic peers as well as continue to grow in his/her relationship with Jesus!

Email Lori for details

Interested in enrolling your child in youth ministries?

Click on the individual images above for more detailed descriptions, enrollment instructions, and contact info. For general youth formation inquiries, contact Lori Kisby, Directory of Youth Ministries at 402-721-6611 x208.

Email Lori
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